trying it again

read a great article by dean shareski this morning at huffington post and it made me think about getting back to blogging.  you can read the article here.  dean makes some great points and it made me decide to get off my butt and try some more blogging.  i guess i had just gotten to the point that the blog felt like more work that i had to do.  i was never really into it because i don't think i really had an idea of what i wanted to say and what i wanted to talk about.  but now i'm going to try it again.

i think most of the problems with the blog were in my head.  i kept thinking that blog posts had to be long and that each of them should have some well defined reason to exist.  and maybe they do for some people and maybe that will happen eventually here.  but it isn't going to happen today.  

the reality of it all is that maybe i just need a place to write about school-type things.  maybe i don't need that writer's filter all the time.  maybe sometimes i just have to muse to myself about what is going on and maybe, just maybe, other people will want to comment on those musings.  maybe if you just write it, the comments will come.  and the comments and the reflection are really where it's at when it comes to a blog.  you know i could be having this conversation with myself in my head and it would probably do me some good.  but it is the sharing of ideas and thoughts that lead to us pushing ourselves in new directions.  and that's really what we want to do.  so here's to yet another promise to write some more and to reflect some more and hopefully this time it sticks.


Anonymous said…
Glad it was encouraging to you. I've been on this bandwagon for 6 years and haven't got off. I know it's tough and at times might feel like chore. Maybe it's important to plow through those times but the cathartic nature is for sure a benefit. If you can generate a little conversation once in a while even better. Try and target people you want to read your blog. Send a colleague an email, ping another blogger but the main thing is you're sharing and thinking. I admire that.

All the best.

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