day 1
Today, we had day 1 of our PBL training. It was the kind of staff development that makes you think. And that's a good thing. I won't get into much of it here today because I'm waiting to see what the next two days will bring before I talk too much about it. I also won't get into much because my colleague @sraspanglish has beaten me to the proverbial punch with her great post on day 1 of our Buck Institute ( @biepbl) training. You can read her post here: She did a great job showing the cool kinds of #pbl training that we are receiving and the thinking processes involved. I won't post my project here because, to be honest with you, it pales in comparison to the exciting project she has described. Also, because I can't seem to wrap my head around what I want the students to do. I'm going to let this one stew for another night while I collect my thoughts. But a qu...